Let’s Go Boating

More than 200 items were photographed & silo’d.

Arnold Worldwide hired us to create a series of boat images for Progressive Insurance, comprised of all the various items which might be found on board. The idea was that Progressive’s Marine Insurance not only covered the boat, but everything aboard the boat. I’m grateful to Art Director, Colin Gaul, for going out of his way to help everything go smoothly. This was definitely a team effort. Our stylist, Stacey Koch, was able to arrange a package deal with a marine supply house, and came up with whatever extra items were required at the last minute.
We shot well over 200 items and silo’d them with separate shadows. Anything with a logo or proprietary designs or markings needed to be retouched to look totally different. This was obviously a rather massive project.
Retouched Examples

After silo’ing and retouching everything, the project became one huge nautical jigsaw puzzle. We digitally bent fishing rods, spliced and reshaped lines of all colors, and tweeked any number of items to help follow the contours of each boat. We were also careful to maintain a reasonable size relationship between all the various items. The goal was to make the final image look like everything was placed carefully on the floor and captured in one perfect shot.
I’m very satisfied with the final images. It was a demanding, tedious project, but definitely worth it!
campaigns, CGI, compositing, digital imaging, photography, retouchingJohn Holtboating gear, swim fins, boogey boards, water skis, fishing rods, marine equipmentComment