Celebrity Cruises campaign
Arnold Worldwide created this print campaign and entrusted it to me to make it a reality. We pulled a lot of rabbits out of the hat to create images that would live up to the agency’s expectations. Combination of stock images, our photography, and a lot of high-end retouching with a little bit of 3-D work added in. And a nice bonus was an article citing the campaign in Communication Arts.

Celebrity Treatment Alaska
Two stock shots, our sky, creative retouching, and a great food stylist for the whipped cream and cherry, which is a specialty itself.

Celebrity Treatment Caribbean
Shot the hammock-bed on blue screen so we could silo the ropes, chains, and shadows. Retouched the trees, moved a trunk around, thinned out the clouds, cleaned up the beach and ocean. I particularly like the palm shadows on the bed. Looks pretty convincing to me.

Celebrity Treatment Mediterranean
One of the easier ones.

Celebrity Treatment Australia & New Zealand
The epitome of high-end retouching. Very complex image. We removed the sailboats in the foreground, extended the opera house and added our own sky. Then, painstakingly photographed the linen dinner napkins to simulate the structure of the roof. This one took some time.

Celebrity Treatment Panama
This was probably the worst of the stock shots we were given. It needed a lot of clean up in Photoshop. I photographed the shower head twice. First in the studio with water cascading into a large black tray of water. Then, I took it home with me and shot it outdoors to reflect sky and greenery.
If you look carefully, you might notice that the green stalks in the foreground were taken from the large leafy area and foliage from the left was added in the background, behind the large stalks. This was my idea, and I think it helps to enclose the water in a much more intimate setting. If you look at the stock shot, you’ll be able to see there was no foreground growth.
It’s very rewarding when the end product exceeds one’s expectations.

Celebrity Treatment Mexico
This one may look simple, but getting the pillows arranged and lit just right took quite a bit of time. I also had to do a fair amount of retouching and addition to the stone base. Our sky, of course, and our ocean.
My goal, as always, to make it look truly believable, and the retouching unnoticeable.

Celebrity Treatment Bermuda
Fairly simple other than the fact that there was no bottle of wine available with the Celebrity label. So we shot one with no label. Then we created our own label based on some examples we were able to find on line.

Celebrity Treatment Baltic
Shot the tray outdoor under the sky. Check out the people on the statue in the stock shot. Huge statue! I also had to create a new hand in Cinema 4D to hold the tray.

Celebrity Treatment Hawaii
Clean up the water, add our sky, and shot cukes.