EMC “INFORMATION Man” campaign
3-D “INFORMATION” modeled and rendered in Cinema 4d and combined with our human model, “Information Man” depicting problems companies could face, if they don't manage their data storage properly.
PARTNERS+simons • agency Anthony Henriques • creative

Are you backing up information over and over?

Is all your information getting backed up?

Are you running out of storage space?

Are you drowning in a sea of paper?
Make sure to check the BLOG to see how it was created.

Make sure to check the BLOG to see how it was created.

Is your business ready if disaster strikes?

Is your information growing too fast?

Growing too fast?

When information comes together, your business is more agile.

When information comes together, everything's a little greener.

Information Man tending the green grass
This was an extremely challenging image. A combination of photography, 3-D grass and real grass. Information Man kneeling was shot separately and composited with the rest.
I’ll do a post on it soon.

Having trouble consolidating your information?

Do you have a unified content management strategy?

Information Man making a strategic move on the chess board.
The chess board and all the pieces were modeled and rendered in Cinema 4D. I even made sure “I” Man was reflected in the “R" piece. Attention to detail, you know.

Is your lack of a unified archiving strategy putting you at risk?

It's amazing what you can do when your information is secure.