3-D & CGI Gallery
3-D and Computer Generated images, many combined with photography. Working with Cinema 4D is like having a photo shoot in the computer! The results can be so realistic, it's virtually impossible to tell they're not real. Both work and personal.

Colliers Bldg
PARTNERS+simons Anthony Henriques • AD

Applied Bio Vitamin A molecule
PARTNERS+simons Anthony Henriques • AD Applied Biosystems

3-D neon Cadillac ad
CGI neon for Cadillac's Nurburgring course record. Modernista • agency Will Uronis • AD Cadillac • client
A real neon sign with those tight curves would have been about 8 to 10 feet high, and the background could not have been as elegant. CGI can be incredibly realistic. Look at how the glow where the red and blue components blend to make violet.

Bose Auto Sound
Series of ads and airport displays. All the metallic car details were conceptual, modeled and rendered in 3-D. boseautomotive.com

personal work - Cyber Mouse Club wireframe
I bought an espresso cup set a while back and every time I looked at it I saw Mickey Mouse. So here is my creation of the “Cyber Mouse Club”

Cyber Mouse Club - render
Pretty cool and incredibly photo realistic, don’t you think?

Arnold Worldwide Susan Titcomb • AD Ocean Spray • client
The background is the actual juice. The carbonation bubles are 3-D models rendered to match. Notice all the bubbles reflecting in each other, and the depth of field blurring in the background. These effects were all defined in Cinema 4D, and are physically and optically accurate.

Experimenting for PARTNERS+simons
Everything in this image is done in 3-D

3-D legos-graph
Boston Childrens' Hospital
Maureen Metzler • AD
Created “square pegged” blocks to not infringe on Legos.

NCR Banking Brochure video
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PARTNERS+simons • agency Ed Schiavo • AD NCR • client

NCR Healthcare Brochure video
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PARTNERS+simons • agency Ed Schiavo • AD NCR • client

NCR Travel Brochure video
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Complex marriage of stock photography, people and some elements we shot, and 3-D created floor, fence, and counter with monitors.
PARTNERS+simons • agency Ed Schiavo • AD NCR • client

NCR Retail Brochure video
Click on the above frame to watch the video. If there's any problem, try refreshing your page.
This is a good example of how complex some of these can be.
Combination of stock store fronts, our own store names, photographed models in studio, trees at Arnold Arboretum, grass and shrubs around town, lamp posts and flowers downtown Amesbury, flower planters in foreground at a local farm. The brick walkway and asphalt created in Cinema 4D. All composited in Photoshop.
PARTNERS+simons Ed Schiavo • AD NCR • client

Versant Mona Lisa video
Click on the above frame to watch the video. If there's any problem, try refreshing your page.
Seidler Bernstein • agency Kathy Coe-Renner * AD Versant • client
This video illustrates the stages of creating each of the three
final images blow.
1 - Shoot models and equipment.
2 - Silo the photo from it's background.
3 - Model the environment.
4 - Render the environment.
5 - Composite the different components resulting in final

Versant Series: "What would you do with your extra time?
Seidler Bernstein • agency Kathy Coe-Renner • AD Versant • client
These images portray a new version of Versant's product which eliminates the need for a technician to "babysit" the machine while it goes through it's 24 hour cycle. Hence the extra "free" time for the technician. All three environments were modeled and rendered in Maxon's Cinema 4D. Mona Lisa wearing sagety goggles and Sistine ceiling wearing lab coarts painted by William Rogers. The statue of David we purchased and photographed and modestly covered him in a lab coat. The statue was about 24 inches tall.

Copyright Globe
PARTNERS+simons Anthony Henriques • AD

Photographed all the people, created CGI escalators, and combined three mountain images.

Molecule House
Seidler Bernstein • agency Alla Litovchenko • AD

Beautiful render for Pegasystems. Connor Feely • creative
The refraction and reflection of the words in the prism are part of the render and are accurate.

3-D-bio-vial-thumbprint - personal

I created this for the lounge in my studio. It was printed in six sections (sex-tych?) on black-edged gator board and was about six by eight feet when mounted on the wall.
Here's a shot of it mounted on the lounge wall in my old studio.