Shoes Gallery
I got labeled the Shoe King at one point in my career, and photographed shoes for nearly every brand. Then, after a while, I became labeled as specializing in something completely different. As far as I was concerned, I couldn’t be labeled for anything in particular. My specialty was figuring out how to make the creative team's concept a reality, and to make the client happy.




Stride Rite

Stride Rite Baby
Mullen Adv John Doyle • creative
We had a casting at the studio with babies crawling all over the place. Actually, they weren't crawling. They were "scampering!" It was quite a scene! We chose this one and a back-up, and, with a little bit of warm sunshine lighting, shot and shot and shot. The shoe part was easy!

Peter, one of my assistants, stood in a large, black-lined tray of recycling water, as we kept three hoses raining down on him. I think he stood there for a couple of hours!

The red mud is the same used for the dirt zones at Fenway Park. We created quite a mess in the studio.
All Timberland by Mullen Advertising

Pagano Schenk & Kay • agency Woody Kay • AD

Cut a washer tub in half. Put it in a fish tank full of water.
Now you know.

Cole Haan
Cipriani Design • agency Rose Conroy • AD
Many, many Cole Haan ads and catalogs shot over the years.

All props & styling by Mari Quirk

Cole Haan
Personal • light painted with the Hosemaster

Arnold Worldwide Bill Boch • creative

New Balance
Boathouse • agency Margaret McGovern • creative

Bobby Orr Skates?
Kathy Coe-Renner • creative

Puma – "Enough"
Mullen Adverising