Still Gallery
Still life, product photography, 3-D, and computer generated images. A combination of commissioned and personal projects.

Will the chopsticks catch the fly?
Small Army Paul Norwood • creative Applix • client
Sometimes the best image happens by accident. This one did.

Spiders are here for the summer and they’re alive!
Museum of Science exhibit. Allen & Gerritsen • agency
Marie Rockett • AD
Only appropriate to have the spider near the fly, right?
Check out the BLOG

Bigelow Green Tea Campaign
Sean Tracey Assoc. Brenda Dziadzio • AD Bigelow • client
Campaign to promote the benefits of green tea for men. These ads ran in Sports Illustrated and other various men's magazines. Most of the images above are composited from different elements. For instance,, we did shoot at Fenway Park, However, the sky was completely computer generated and replaced the real one, which was very bland. There were players on the field and grassy imperfections which we removed. Obviously we replaced the “Green Monster” with Bigelow’s own version. And the lights had to be moved to accommodate the headline. We also blurred faces just enough to make them unrecognizable. A good example of the work put into these pictures..
Brenda and I have worked together for many years, and I don’t think any concept she dreamed up was ever simple. Which makes me proud, because she believes in my ability to make her vision come to life. This is the type of challenge and collaboration I love being a part of.
Thank you Brenda, for all the “hard ones” and for being such a good friend.

High Performance Artificial Hip
PARTNERS+simons Anthony Henriques • creative
It’s simple, but I really like this shot.

Volkswagon for Christmas
Arnold Worldwide Will Uronis • AD VW • client
See BLOG for more.

Most expensive bottle of wine in the world
The last bottle of Chateau Lafite Rothschild 1846
An old personal shot, maybe 35 years ago. Shot on 8x10 film. This was considered the most expensive bottle of wine in the world at the time.
— footnote
There was a hardware store across the street from us on South Street, owned by a congenial gentleman named Hiram. And a couple doors down from us was a very knowledgeable wine merchant, by the name of John Gilbert who had acquired this rare bottle of wine. That is a fascinating story (for another time.) Hiram's hands had the age and character I wanted, and was happy to be a participant. The tonal range, with the black flap of his tuxedo just noticeable if you really look closely is perfect.

“Play Ball!"
All Star Game at Fenway Park
Stop&Shop • client Arnold Worldwide Polly Chevalier • AD
“We all have our favorites. This is one of mine."

Summer's Treasure
Eymer Design Stride Rite • client
Such a nostalgic image. Makes you want to take off on a summer’s afternoon and go exploring, climb a tree, get dirty! I used the “Hosemaster” to paint it with light. I might have to dig it out of storage and see how well it works in the digital age

Heron Lamp
We used to have a house on the Merrimack River. I would get up early some mornings for a sunrise paddle. There were always at least a couple of Great Blue Herons along the shoreline, performing their stick-figure stalking ritual. Magical moments.
There are times now, if I notice it, the Heron Lamp takes me back to the river.

Bose Auto Sound
These were backlit Airport banners. I shot the guitars on a green screen, This allowed me to extract all the green including whatever was reflected on the instrument itself. The background was created in photoshop and, when layered behind, gave the illusion of actually reflecting on areas on the guitars themselves, such as the tuning knobs and side of the key fob. This gave true realism to the images, given how large the displays they were.

Can you see the devil in the flames?
Gearon Hoffman • agency Rachel Houk-Seeger • AD

Ball and Jacks
Small Army Paul Norwood • creative

McDonalds introduces iced coffee
Arnold Worldwide McDonalds • client Stylist • Catrine Kelty
A lot more went into this than meets the eye. I'll get around to posting a blog about it sometime.

A couple of Hatch Award winners
Debbie Lucke • creative Stanley Tools • client

— a little side story
When I had my favorite studio on South Street, we decided to have a party to raise money for the National Eye Research Institute. I felt they were a worthy cause, as we are all in such a visual business. We decided to charge $35 to attend, with all proceeds going to the Institute. Debbie agreed to design the invitation, which ultimately went on to win Hatch Gold. The cover of the invitation was printed in actual braille by the National Braille Printing Press, which just happened to be in Boston. When opened it read “This is how it feels to be invited to a fantastic party” and went on to give the rest of the details.
We had a good few hundred people attend, and were able to raise a tidy sum for our charity. Debbie, you’re amazing.

Photorealistic unreality
Lehman Millett Adevertising
Radiator shot in the studio. Mountains a couple of shots from Ecuador. The sky another shot. And the foreground is the 2nd fairway at my golf club.

Progressive Marine Insurance
We created eight of these!

PARTNERS+simons Anthony Henriques • AD

Razor Shaving Financial Page
Allen & Gerritsen Sarah Congdon • AD State Street Bank • client

Timberland Label
Mullen Advertising
Anne Maloof & Margaret McGovern • creative